A Unique Journey to yourself
Let me accompany you on the most important journey you can take in your life, the journey towards yourself. A journey to discover, recognize and reconnect with your inner wisdom.

What is this about?
It’s just about you, nothing more, nothing less. I am here for you to learn and use whatever happens in your life, the possible pain you go through or your own confusion into much more, transforming it into something meaningful, so you can take your own responsibility, and therefore your own creative power in your life.
Of course, this is not free, because apart from paying for my consultation, you will enter an endevour replacing the excuses for committment to your own self. So if you truly want a change:

Gestalt Therapy
The word “Gestalt” comes from German and it means “form” or “structure,” gestalt expresses the idea that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. This therapy helps people understand how their thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions are related, which can greatly influence their daily lives.

Bioenergetic Therapy
Bioenergetics is a type of therapy that focuses on the vital energy that circulates through the body. This vital energy, called bioenergy, is the force that drives all biological and psychological functions. Obstacles or imbalances in this energy flow can manifest as physical illnesses or emotional disorders.

Psych-k method
PSYCH-K® is a method that facilitates the change of subconscious beliefs that limit the recognition of our potential in life. It is based on the theory that we experience in life what we are programmed to believe. We do not live the world as it is, but as we think and feel it within. And each person thinks and feels their world based on their belief system.

Family Constellations
Family constellations are a therapeutic tool that allows you to explore and improve the dynamics of your family system, that is the set of people with whom you shared and/or currently share ties of blood or affection. These people influence your way of being, thinking and feeling, both consciously and unconsciously.
Podcast "Order Your Kaos"
“Order your Kaos” is a podcast where I share my experience and learning in various areas of life related to self-knowledge, personal development and awareness.
Over time I have realized that the more I learn, the more unknown doors open and that I am a lifelong learner. It is possible that you already have a lot of experience in many of these topics or perhaps not so much. You may or may not agree. In both cases I invite you to listen to it and take only what serves you and helps you in your life, no matter how little, I already consider it your gift and mine. The podcast is only available in Spanish.

The first step is here
A journey towards yourself without judgment, with understanding, so that you can awaken your own creative power and take responsibility for what happens to you. Work on your own realization here and now, with awareness, love and responsibility, I’m waiting for you.