- Family Constellations -

Family constellations are a therapeutic tool that allows you to explore and improve the dynamics of your family system, that is the group of people with whom you share ties of blood or affection. These people influence your way of being, thinking and feeling, both consciously and unconsciously.

Many times, without knowing it, we carry the weight of painful situations that our ancestors have experienced or that we ourselves have experienced in our childhood or in our adult life. These situations can generate blockages, conflicts, illnesses or suffering in our present, and prevent us from living with fullness and harmony.

Family constellations help you identify and release these blockages, through a group or individual process, in which your family system is symbolically represented, with the help of other people or objects.

These people or objects assume the role of your family members and express the emotions, thoughts and sensations they feel in relation to you and others.

Thus, you can clearly see what are the hidden dynamics that govern your family system, what order, what hierarchy and what balance are established between its members, and what loyalties, exclusions or compensations occur in it. You can also discover what your place is in your family system, what role you play, what responsibilities you assume and what are your needs.

By doing this, you can become aware of the repeating patterns in your life, the wounds you need to heal, the resources you have at your disposal, and the changes you can make to improve your situation. You can also honor your ancestors, thank them for what they have given you, forgive them for what they have done to you or what they have not given you, and let go of what does not belong to you.

Principles of Family Constellations

Changing your view

  • They allow you to know and better understand your family and personal history, and how it influences your present.
  • They help you resolve conflicts, heal traumas, overcome grief and release repressed emotions.
  • They facilitate communication, connection and reconciliation with your family and other people important to you.
  • They offer you the opportunity to change your view, to broaden your perspective and to find new solutions.
  • They give you the possibility of accepting, integrating and transforming your reality, according to your values ​​and your desires.
  • They inspire you to live with more love, with more peace and with more joy.

Me and my family system

Family constellations are a way to heal your family system and, at the same time, heal yourself. I invite you to try them and experience for yourself the positive effects they can have on your life.

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